Seeing red red red
I think I'm getting sick again. There are at least 5 people in the immediate area of my cubicle at work that have been or are sick at all times. I think that someday all of us are going to keel over and fucking die. It wouldn't surprise me. And I'd be willing to go down, especially with the way I feel right now. Which is totally awesome, by the way. Did I mention that my mom is throwing an engagement party for Phil and I, and I've been explicitly instructed by both my mother and my future mother in-law that I can't get sick. Well, fuck. I think I'm sick. But, you know, it's the big day tomorrow and the only reason I want to go is to throw some fucking amazing whiskey down my throat and numb it up real good. That, and I think my mom said something about toasting us. This should be good.